Norica Nicolai, pledoarie împotriva numirii lui Kovesi procuror european

DE Alexandru Pop | 12.03.2019 - 09:52
Bomba Noricăi Nicolai/FOTO:

Norica Nicolai, europarlamentar ALDE, scrie un text de opinie pe portalul Euractiv în care spune, textual, că misiunea lui Kovesi la DNA a fost să culeagă scalpuri, nu să servească justiția. Astfel, insinuează Nicolai, LCK nu e potrivită pentru Parchetul European.


"The European Public Prosecutor’s Office, established under the EU enhanced cooperation arrangements to which 22 member states have signed up to date, will be an important new institution. It will act as a single prosecution service across all participating member states in cases of corruption or fraud involving EU funds or cross border VAT fraud.

The EPPO has the potential to address the problem of fraud against EU funds and revenues, which has bedevilled the community for decades.

Because of its potential significance, it is critical that the launch of EPPO should be achieved without controversy. Unfortunately, it has been dragged into an unnecessary and avoidable political showdown and, unless there is an outbreak of common sense, it could undermine EPPO before it even opens its doors.

The entirely avoidable controversy about the nomination of the former head of Romania’s National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) as, potentially, the first head of EPPO could not come at a worse time.", scrie Norica Nicolai.

Continuarea articolului, aici.

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