Financial Times: Kovesi, cea mai potrivită să fie procuror european

DE Alexandru Pop | Actualizat: 28.02.2019 - 12:47
Financial Times, susținere totală pentru Kovesi/FOTO:

Uniunea Europeană ar trebui să reziste cererilor României de a nu o numi pe Laura Codruța Kovesi procuror european și chiar să o numească, scrie azi prestigiosul cotidian "Financial Times", într-un text asumat de board-ul editorial.


Kovesi este femeia potrivită să fie procuror european, mai arată FT.

Iată un pasaj relevant din articol: "Appointed as head of Romania’s anti-corruption directorate in 2013, Ms Kovesi helped to secure numerous convictions against government ministers, members of parliament and mayors for fraud, abuse of power and other crimes. Her tireless work earned her the respect of Romania’s partners. Upon the nation’s EU entry in 2007, they had insisted that it should be placed under a special surveillance mechanism because of its troubling record on the rule of law. Ms Kovesi’s efforts inspired millions of her compatriots to demand that the political classes stop obstructing the long-overdue decontamination of Romanian public life. But she was rewarded with the enmity of the present Social Democrat-led government and Liviu Dragnea, the strongman behind it. The government manipulated her out of office in July 2018 as it embarked on what can only be described as a brazen, inexcusable defiance of EU rules on freedom of the judiciary from political interference. Anti-reform forces in the Romanian government and judicial system are so desperate to prevent Ms Kovesi from becoming the EU’s first chief prosecutor that she was placed under investigation this month on flimsy suspicions of abuse of office. This shameless attempt to discredit Ms Kovesi coincided with an emergency government decree aimed at sharply curtailing the independence of the anti-corruption agency which she headed for five years with such distinction."

Citește și: Financial Times: România, lobby pe lângă vecini să nu o voteze pe Kovesi


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